No Regrets!


Do you have any regrets?

Of course you do!  We all do.

As we approach Valentine’s Day, I want to inspire you to look at this day and everyday as an opportunity to live without regrets.

This holiday has become a cupid, chocolate, roses, expensive meal and obligatory gift giving kind of day.  I challenge you to change that and give the gift of love, attention and speak your truth to those you love.

Here are the biggest regrets:

1. Not living your ideal life, pursuing your own dreams and desire but instead doing what was expected of you.

Are you doing what you love and loving what you do?  Are you in your ideal career, relationship, religion, bungee jumping, shark swimming or are you boxed in to the confines of what is a societal or familial norm?

2. Working too much.

I treat a few centenarians or close to it.  I have never heard one say to me, and I ask, that they wish they would’ve worked harder or longer hours.  Most actually feel guilty for spending so much time working and not enjoying life more especially family time.

3.Not expressing your true feelings.

People are afraid to express how they feel about situations at work, with family and friends.  Especially if they have different opinions and views on certain subjects.  What ends up happening is that you bury your feelings and that can lead to anger and resentment which are both linked to disease especially cancer and autoimmune disorders.

4.Not allowing yourself to be happier.

Most people think that happiness comes with a big paycheck, a fancy car, extravagant home and hot arm candy.  The truth is that happiness is an inside out job.  Happiness is a choice.  Are you waiting for something to happen to you so that you can finally be happy?  I’m here to tell you that you are a magnet!  Like attract like.  Success attracts success. Happiness attracts happiness.  Just be HAPPY!  Look at the positive in every situation because it is a blessing in disguise.

So this Valentine’s Day do something you won’t regret.  Take the day off, express your feeling with those you love, do something fun and choose to be happy!

If you'd like more specific help about how to improve your life, schedule a consult with me!