Are you ready for 2019?

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This year is quickly passing us by.  It has been an incredible year for many and a challenging one for others.  I hope that you’ve met most if not all of your goals for this year and if you haven’t, you still have roughly three months.  However, it is time to step into the future and decide now what do you want to accomplish in 2019.  In fact, you should have had your goals set by October1st.

Why so soon?  You have to give the mind direction and ample time to get there.  Goals setting is a forward thinking approach.  It take 90 days of repeatedly reviewing and visualizing your goals to make a neurological connection.  It is important to not just think of what you want but also write it down and review them twice daily.  You may even achieve a few before 2019.

As you personally grow and develop, your goals may change as well.  It’s ok to change and modify them as you go.  What seems important and idealistic now may not resonate with you or excite you enough to pursue it.  

I think every goal setting exercise should start with your mission and your purpose.  A purpose statement provides the reason or reasons why you exist.  The mission is about what you do and for whom to fulfill your purpose.

The there are the 5P’s that you should goal set for:

  1. Personal goals- This is all about you.  What do you want?

  2. Professional goals- This is all about your career.  What do you want to accomplish in this arena?

  3. Prosperity goals- This is all about $$$.  Moola, dough, casharooskie.  They are not dirty words.  Claim you piece of the pie.

  4. Play goals- What’s on your bucket list of fun things you want to do and places you want to visit?

  5. People goals- Who do you want to meet?  What are your ideal relationships? 

Be specific when setting your goals and engineering your life, otherwise you get the leftovers.  I hate leftovers.

If you’re having trouble doing your 2019 goals, download a complimentary goal-setting guide and consider becoming part of my tribe.