Becoming the CEO of Your Life


If you want to live an insanely rich and fulfilling life, you must become the CEO of it.  Once you understand that you are the only person in control of your life, and you stop listening to friends, family, neighbors, so called experts and the parrot on the back porch, you can and should begin making the necessary decisions and taking the necessary steps to living a healthy, happy, fulfilled and abundant life.  

You see, successful CEO’s are faced with difficult situations and decisions on a daily basis.  The way they tackle obstacles is based on non-negotiable set of rules, principles and policies.

If you want to be the successful CEO of your life here are my suggested non-negotiable:

  1. Love yourself! Fall in love with all of you. All that you are. All that you have been, good and bad. All that you are becoming. Be unapologetically YOU!

  2. Learn daily. The more I learn, the less I know. So everyday, I set out to learn something new or research a topic of interest. For me health, mindset and spirituality is on my daily list.

  3. Commit to an extraordinary life. Don’t just be interested in getting healthy or try to improve your self sabotaging and self-deprecating behaviors. Don’t just stay in a stale relationship or job because of fear of the unknown. Commit to creating a life of joy, love, freedom, abundance and health.

  4. Own it! The good, the bad and ugly…own it. No excuses allowed. Make a decision and commit. If things go sideways, it ok. You readjust the sails and keep going. If things go good, own that shit too.

  5. Be courageous by taking the bull by the horns. Speak up, step out of your comfort zone and confront what needs to be confronted. Your life depends on it.

  6. Get resourceful. In today’s day and age we have so many tools and resources that there’s really not excuse to get what you want. There’s no shortage of resources just lack of resourcefulness. Ask for help if you need to. CEO’s have teams, coaches and assistants. Who is on your team? Who is your life coach? Who can you put on speed dial when you need guidance?

  7. Don’t flake out. CEO’s show up! They show up even when they don’t want to, when they’re having a bad day, when they’re sick. Again no excuses, no quitting.

Look, being a CEO look glamorous and often pays high dividends but believe me when I tell you that they must show up and play full out without any days off.  They make tough decisions and are not always everyone’s cup of tea, but that’s the price you have to pay if you want to rule your life.  Are you ready?  

If you’re feeling stuck and don’t know what to do, let’s chat.  I’ve been in your shoes.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.