Happy Valentine's Day EVERYDAY!

As Valentine’s Day approaches, you may be focused on  how you can best show love to your significant other.

To be quite honest, I want to feel loved everyday and not just on a specifically designated day.  It’s almost like an obligation to get flowers, go to dinner, buy chocolate, etc.  It’s no wonder why so many dread this day especially if you’re not in a relationship.

I personally think that we should be spreading love everyday and try to make this world a better place than we found it.

Here are some simple ways you can spread love daily with everyone you cross paths with:

  1. Random act of kindness.  Buy someone a cup of joe or tea.  

  2. Leave a love/appreciation note.

  3. Compliment a stranger.

  4. Open and/or hold doors.

  5. Help an elder cross the street.

  6. Honor lane changing signal.

  7. Call your mother.

  8. Send a handwritten postcard to an old friend.

  9. Mentor someone.

  10. Volunteer in a nursing home.

  11. Donate your time to a charity.

  12. Hug your loved ones.

  13. Be positive.

  14. Be polite.

  15. Be kind to your server.

  16. Tip well.

  17. Listen.

  18. Pay it forward.

  19. Treat yourself to something nice.

  20. Put your phone away when you’re having a conversation.

  21. Smile!

  22. Sit and talk to a homeless person.

  23. Forgive.

The greatest gift you can give someone is your love, time and attention.

Together, we can make this world a better place.  That’s my goal.

Dr. Aixa Goodrich