Confidence Is King


Confidence is the key to success.  Confidence is the belief, knowingness and trust in your ability to succeed at anything you set out to do and that you are totally worthy of it.

Where do you fall on the 1-10 confidence scale?  What is keeping you from being at a 10?

Here are a few tips to improve your confidence levels:

  1. Stop with the self deprecating remarks. If you spoke to a stranger the way your speak to yourself, you’d get slapped. Stop it. It doesn’t serve you or anyone else.

  2. Check your body language. Your body language speaks way before you even open your mouth. Stand tall, chin up, shoulders back and strut what your momma gave ya.

  3. Take action. Fake it till you make it. No one is born an expert. You learn and tweak as you go. Don’t wait till you perfect it. It will never be perfect.

  4. Don’t minimize your wins. Accept compliments like a man and acknowledge your successes.

  5. Stand up for yourself.

  6. Let it go. Some will. Some won’t. So what? Next!

  7. Never stop learning and improving yourself.

Confidence is one of the most important trait you should embody.  It is attractive, sexy and appealing.  It will open up doors for you that you never knew existed.  

Next time that little voice in your head start to creep doubt in your heart, tell it to STFU and take a hike.

Need a little help?  My 7 day self-guided coaching program will give you the boost in confidence that you’re looking for and help you navigate through life that much easier.

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