Personal one-to-one coaching
Working one-to-one with Dr. Aixa Goodrich can help you identify and attain your biggest goals. Her coaching clients experience significant breakthroughs that lead them to challenge their thinking, resulting in creating abundant health, wonderful relationship, a thriving business and financial freedom. Private one-to-one coaching is personalized to your unique situation and needs.
How Does One-to-One Coaching Work?
One-to-one life coaching requires 100% commitment from you and takes place over an extended period of time, usually weeks to months. In an initial interview with Dr. Aixa Goodrich, you will discuss the desired outcome and then come up with a coaching schedule that seems feasible for you.
Coaching by Video
Dr. Aixa Goodrich prefers video coaching because:
It’s more efficient for you. You won’t waste time traveling to see Dr. Goodrich. You can attend your coaching sessions wherever you want, in your own office or a conference room at work, at home or even while traveling. Given that most people who hire Dr. Goodrich are already very busy, this time-savings makes a huge difference.
Greater choice. When you have to see Dr. Goodrich in person, you’re limited to the South Florida area. This is not a problem with video coaching. Dr. Goodrich is experienced in managing the time differences and will work with you to find a mutually agreeable time. The most important thing is to have a coach, regardless of geography. I’ve personally coached people all over the world and done it all by video teleconference. So don’t limit yourself or your options!
The comfort of distance. In my experience, people tend to open up more quickly when they’re on the video: the “distance” imposed by the computer or phone gives them the freedom to tell the real truth about their life and what’s going on. While Dr. Goodrich is sworn to keep coaching details confidential, some people still feel uncomfortable with the thought of bumping into her at the gym or supermarket. If you’re one of those who do, then private life coaching by video teleconference is the perfect choice.
How much does one-to-one coaching cost?
Dr. Aixa Goodrich charges from $500 to $1,500 per month; that’s for three to four 30 to 60-minute calls a month. It all works out to about $300 per hour.
Corporate coaching can cost up to $10,000 per month and usually starts at $500 per hour.
In-person life coaching is appropriate for people who might be hard of hearing or have some disability that requires an face-to-face meeting. Or, you might just prefer the personal face-to-face aspect of in-person coaching.
Are you ready for life coaching?
Please Note: One-to-one coaching is not the same as therapy. If you need to resolve an issue from your past, have an addiction to drugs or alcohol, or have recently experienced trauma or loss, please seek the professional help of a qualified therapist or social worker in your community right away. Consult your doctor or pastor for a recommendation.
Not sure that one-to-one coaching is a good fit for you, try our 7 day online program!