Did You Screw Up?


I’m not perfect and I have screwed up many times as I’m sure you have…that is, if you have a pulse.  Here’s the thing, good people make mistakes and bad decisions.  We all mess up and sometimes those screw-ups let other people down.  However, that doesn’t make me, you or anyone else bad people.  Most of the time, mistakes are unintentional.  They weren’t made to cause grief or pain. Honest mistakes do in fact happen.  

Here are 3 steps you can take if you screwed up:

  1. Take responsibility. Admitting that you screwed up takes courage and maturity. Own up to it. Learn from your mistakes instead of denying them. That is how you earn respect.

  2. Apologize if necessary. I’ve never had an issue admitting that I f’ed up. I genuinely apologize and hope that the forgiving is as well.

  3. Make it right if you can. Offer a solution.

If you feel that someone has indeed done you wrong, be willing to understand, forgive, let go and make the best of the situation.  It was probably not done with malice.  If it was, that’s their karma.  Forgive them anyway.  It doesn’t make them right or excuse their behavior but it will bring you peace and harmony and free you from a self imposed prison.

Do you need help clearing out energy or mindset blocks?  Head over to my free resources area and take advantage of the freebies.  Need extra help?  Give me a shout.

Dr. Aixa Goodrich