The Someday Mindset...

We wait till a new year, a new decade, next month, next Monday to make changes that we know are necessary in order to maximize our lives.  The truth is that everyday you have an opportunity to improve your life.  So it’s really time to stop waiting and start doing.  Nothing is ever going to change unless you do.  And….I want to tell you that the time is now.  You’re not getting any younger and things are not going to improve or go away just because you ignore them.

Here’s how you start.  It all begins with your morning routine.  That will set the tone for the rest of your day. I want to share with you my morning routine and the routine the most successful, high performing women live by.

  1. Hydration- Upon waking I use the rest room, brush my teeth and drink 16 ounces of room temperature water right away. 

  2. Meditation- I sit in silence and meditate for at least 10 minutes.  I focus on my breathing and clear my mind.  I also set my intention for the day.

  3. Journal-  After meditating, I write down any thoughts that arose and I also jot down what I’m grateful for and how I’d like my day to flow.

  4. Affirmations- I say my affirmations out loud.  I have a set of them but depending on what I want to attract and manifest, I add as needed.  

  5. Visualization- I do this while I affirm but after my affirmations, I visualize my ideal day, week, month, year, life.

  6. Exercise-  I like to get it done first thing in the morning as it sets the tone for the day.  I have more energy and I’m more watchful of what I eat.

  7. Learn-  If I’m on a cardio machine, I usually listen to an audio book, webinar or podcast.  I also listen  while I’m getting ready, on my drive into the office or to meet clients.  

If you don’t change now, your life won’t change.  Another 20, 30, 40 or 50 years can go by and you’ll still be living a mediocre life.

One of the greatest regrets is to get to the end of your life and realize you could’ve been, had and done so much more.

Unfortunately 95% will end up with this realization.  I don’t want that to be you.  You are capable of having a healthy, joyful, fulfilled life.  Is today the day that you make the changes you need to make?  Let’s get started.  I am challenging you to do this with me for the next 30 days.  Then let me know how it’s impacted your life.