How Can You Get Out of a Funk? Here are fun and simple 5 Ways!

We’ve all experienced a funk, a slump, been stuck in a rut of some sort.  It’s human nature.  Most of the time we quickly overcome them and move right along. Other times, we feel like we are spinning our wheels and stuck in our stuff.  

Luckily, I’m here to share with you a few ways that have worked for me.  

  1. Get out- Go outside, go for a walk/run, garden, pull weeds, jump in the pool with your clothes on (take your cell out of your pocket first or it’ll will deepen your funk), jump on a bike, go for a drive with your windows down and music blasting.  There is something about breathing fresh air that is life changing.

  2. Exercise- As stated above a walk/run can do wonderful things.  You could also pump some iron, get to a yoga or pilates class. This also can be a place of social interaction and you may even find a new workout partner.  Besides, it could be an entertaining place.  Just take a look here for a few laughs.

  3. Celebrate your wins-  Stop beating yourself up and putting yourself down.  Stop the criticizing and complaining and start focusing on your wins.  List them out and reward yourself.

  4. Dance your ass off- Turn up the volume and get down.  Put on your favorite genre/artist and dance like no-one is watching.  Maybe even take a dance lesson.  I’ve taken salsa, belly dancing, hip-hop, pole dancing and afro dance classes.  Loved them all.

  5. Volunteer- There are so many people in need and so many great causes that are so much bigger than all of us.  Find what speaks to your heart and soul.  I’ve volunteered in nursing homes, I’ve given treatment to homeless, spent time in group orphan homes mentoring.  What can you do that would contribute to humanity?

There are many other techniques that could help you get from a funk to fulfillment. 

Remember that a difficult moment or period in your life doesn’t mean that your life is bad.  It is a tiny fraction of your entire life and it too shall pass.

Focus on creating more good moments and you’ll be destined to have fewer bad days.  

So the next time you are heading into a downward spiral, put some of these tips into play.

I’m always a call away if you are ready for additional help.