Who is your cheerleader?

Setting goals is quite simple and especially if you read my blogs, follow me on social media and have downloaded my goal setting guide.  Staying motivated and on track to reach those goals is where the challenge arises.  I believe approximately 93% of Americans set New Year’s goals.  However, after the first month, less than 10% are still working at achieving those goals. 

Why is it that more than 80% of the population lose steam?

  1. They’re surrounded by the wrong people.  Surround yourself with people who support and uplift you.
  2. They fail to use the resources available. Who do you know?  Call them.  Most people really do want to help others.
  3. They become inflexible.  Sometimes we have to adjust the sails.  It’s ok.  There’s more than one way to get to NYC.
  4. They don’t chunk it down.  One step at a time.  Rome wasn’t built in a day.
  5. Fear of failure.  What will others think?  Who cares!  Do it for you.
  6. Fear of success.  With success comes responsibility.  I have faith that you’ll always do the right thing.  Choose the path that serves the greater good for humanity.

Here’s how to stay motivated and achieve greatness:

  1. Set audacious goals that solve a problem for humanity.  Don’t just make it about you.
  2. Take massive action steps.  If it isn’t going in the direction you expected, take new massive action steps.  Adjust the sails.
  3. Celebrate the small wins.  It keeps the fire burning.
  4. Be grateful.  Thank those that have helped you along the way.

Build your tribe of like-minded people.  We have a phenomenal group of women in our tribe.