7 Ways To Get A Head Start On Your New Year’s Resolution


It is estimated that over 50% of Americans set goals or New Year’s resolution but less than 10% actually stick to the plan to achieve those goals.  Most resolutions are health related such as weight loss and healthier lifestyles, while others include financial goal such as saving more money or buying a house, as well as relationship goals and finding that soulmate. 

We expect dramatic shifts to take place once the clock strike midnight.  The truth is, we’ve all been there.  A week into the new year, you revert back to your old ways and wait another 51 weeks to make another resolution and this goes on and on for years, decades and before you know it, you’re stuck in a life of mediocrity.  

So how is this new year going to be different than every other year for you?  You have the power to change your life and your destiny by making a decision and then taking massive actions steps to achieve the life you want and deserve.  Here are a few tips for you to make 2019 your best year yet.

  1. Start now!  Why wait till January 1st?  There is not better time than now to begin mastering your life.  If it’s important enough for you to make a goal of it, start now.  You can begin by going for a walk, eating one less cookie or serving yourself on a smaller plate to minimize portions.  Don’t splurge on bullshit.  Eat out one less day a week and brew your own coffee.  Save a few calories and save a few bucks.  Then open a savings account.  If it’s love you’re looking for, level up and ask that hottie out.  

  2. Habits take time.  If everything you wanted happened in a snap of your fingers, everyone would be happy, healthy and wealthy.  Depending on what study you read, it can take between 21-90 days to create a new habit.  So be patient and stay the course.

  3. Pace yourself.  If you hit the gym for the first time ever or for the first time since last January, don’t go ovaries to the wall.  You will end up sore and unable to move for days or worse, you can hurt yourself. 

  4. Your mind is powerful so I encourage you to keep track of your thoughts.  Journal your way through it.  How do you feel?  Journal what you’re eating?  Monitor your emotions.  Jot down your wins and your struggles.

  5. Recruit a friend or loved one.  They can motivate you and you them when difficult moments rear their ugly heads.  This is also a great way to challenge yourself and them.

  6. Get an accountability coach. I believe everyone should have a coach in life.  The greatest athletes, super stars, business giants including the greatest coach himself, Tony Robbin, has a coach.  What are you waiting for?  I don’t want to re-invent the wheel.  I mirror and model those that are doing what I want to do. 

  7. Reward yourself!  Chunk down your goals and celebrate the wins.  I don’t mean go eat donuts after you lose 5lbs. but you can treat yourself to that pricey coffee one day.  Use the win as motivation to keep you going and stay excited about what’s next. 

You can achieve anything you set your mind to.  The next time you want to give up on your goals or resolutions, prove to yourself how much of a badass you truly are and push yourself.  You’re more capable than you give your self credit. Stop underestimating your potential!